Monday, September 13


Had a lovely spontaneous night last night; worked my last shift, finished at 7 and turned on my phone to about 40 messages telling me I was being picked up from home at 8, and that we were going out. Which was lovely, as I've been getting really sick of being such a granny lately. The girls and I hardly ever go out anymore. So it was a cold and relatively uneventful night - just the way I like it! Unfortunately, B and I got home at 5am, after catching the freezing cold 3.45 bus, which put a slight dampener on the evening.

Listening to Bon Iver's cover of 'Come Talk To Me', which, although I've never heard the original, is probably better than Peter Gabriel's version.


Friday, September 10


Contrary to my last post, I had also applied at a local coffee shop, and had my trial and interview today! Learnt how to tamp (the coffee), and have been called in next Tuesday, to get a shirt and I have to bring bank details. Does that mean I have the job..?

Sunday, September 5

Friday, September 3

Yep, it's still raining..

the blossoms are finally coming out on the plum trees!

It's still raining, as it has been for the last 3 hours (at least). The puppy's chewing everything he can get his teeth into, including my bare feet, as I couldn't find any socks this morning. I've run out of make-up as well, the only one that I've ever managed to find to suit my skin tone! So I must remember to buy some more tomorrow.

I'm listening to my 'european chillout' playlist. Yes I know, it's a bit embarrassing but whatever, it's the perfect music to listen to when the rain hasn't let up outside for more than 3 hours, and there's nothing to do. On that note however, my brother has to be picked up from school in about 15 minutes, so I'm going to have to make a dash through the flood that is our garden, the river that is our driveway, and into my car, which I'm pretty sure won't start it'll be so waterlogged! Anyway, enough of the negativity.

I might continue into the barony of shoppingdom to see if I can find Father Bear a present for Sunday, which is Father's Day. He asked for a scarf, as he lost the amazing blue one Mum and I got him in Laos. Pity. I'll see what I can do.

Well, the river that is my garden calls, so I best answer. Bisous xx
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