Saturday, December 22

so i'm sitting with my feet up at work, reading Grace: A Memoir, on my break that I've been on for an hour and a half, dreaming about nothing in particular, but particularly travel: and a soft evening breeze over a lavender lined driveway in greece. or perhaps france. who knows. all i know is that this day is one of the ones where my head is up in the clouds, and i'm really too dazed to be in human company. but, i'm to be at work for another 8 hours, potentially, which doesn't seem too fun for me. even though it's 35 degrees and our air conditioning at home isn't working, meaning it's cooler at work, i would much rather be lying on the couch with a cool drink and no responsibilities. here's to the new year

Friday, December 21

// what is happening it's almost 2013?

sometimes, i just feel that everything is so beautiful.

and then i realise our internet isn't working properly and i can't upload photos.

Tuesday, December 18

so it's been a while..

i've been thinking recently, about how i don't know my own mind.
but we did go strawberry picking for my birthday, so that's something.

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