Tuesday, May 29


I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned on here before but I have a serious shopping addiction. It doesn't matter what, or where I find it, if I have even so much as an inkling it might go with so much as something in my wardrobe, I will buy it, sans the consequences. I'd like to be the kind of person who doesn't have to worry about erratic purchasing, online or otherwise, but alas I am. So, here goes to my new found spend thrift ways! I'm attempting not to buy anything (and I mean anything - clothes wise people come on - for at least a month.)  Wish me luck! I honestly have no idea how I'm going to spend my down time.. if not for online shopping I would be a very bored girl..

Some photos to keep my mind off this:

they're from summer - i miss the sunshine, but i have to admit - i'm definitely a winter girl at heart!


exciting news! i've officially applied for journalism at uni. thank god i finally got that over and done with! been too lazy for too long now, my brain's going to take some warming up i think..

feels like everything and everyone's changing (especially my little brother oh my gosh he's so tall now!) i'm especially excited for a new challenge.

some belated pictures from mother's day earlier this month.

Wednesday, May 9

girls i'd like to be friends with

some pictures that are inspiring me at the moment. i'm really digging flat canvas shoes lately!

all photos via the sartorialist

Tuesday, May 1

early onset winter symptoms

It's raining fierce outside, and I've been being slack and boring. Here's to a my mid-year resolution! And that is: be more committed, healthy, loving, accepting, exploring, stylish, worldly Bella. I mean come one, this is the year I become who I'm going to be..

Here's to all of this

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