Tuesday, November 27

define: idle


(esp. of a machine or factory) Not active or in use: "assembly linesstanding idle".
(of a person) Spend time doing nothing; be idle.

this is my day

Monday, November 26

with the end of a year, comes a new beginning

i don't know what it is about a change of season. something changes in me too. especially close to christmas. i get restless, maybe a kind of wanderlust. and with restlessness comes great responsibility. just kidding, it's me we're talking about.

what comes is a kind of longing, wanting to be better, more me. i know i said this was the year i become who i'm going to be, but i guess it's still a work in progress. after all i am only (almost) in my twenty-second year. things are still as great a mystery as ever, i still have gaps and holes in my life where more should be.

just more.

it is always this time of year my mind starts thinking of the future. maybe it's the start of a new year, which means a new start. maybe even a clean (cleaner) slate on which to step foot for the coming months.

it's always the end of the year when i start getting ready for the new one. which means i experience a kind of sadness, almost, thinking about all the things that are coming, along with all the things i'll leave behind.

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